Sever Wiki

Installed Mods:

Biomes O Plenty, Chisel, Chisel and Bits, Iron Backpacks, Iron Chest, Legendary Plus, Pixelmon Reforge, CTM, Pixel ExtrasWonder Trade, Quick Leaf Decay, Trainer Commands, Tinkers Tool Leveling,  Mantle, Tinkers Construct, Mr.Crayfish FurnitureJourney MapNatures CompassPlaceable Items

Installed Plugins:

Chest Shop, Craft Book, Grief PreventionIron Elevators, My Warp, Night Vision, Super Jump, Super Trails, Towny, Vein Miner, Core Protect, Boss Shop, BuycraftX, Clear Lag, Discord SRV, Essentials, Grief Prevention, Holographic Displays, Multiverse Core, Nuvotifier, Pixelmon Gyms, Voting Plugin, Vault, World Edit, World Border, eGlow, World Guard, Crazy AuctionsGreat Kits


/bs - Diplays servers main menu GUI.
/help - Displays a list of available commands in game
/helpop {msg} - Sends a highlighted message to staff.
/superjumpon - Turns super jump on.
/superjumpoff- Turns super jump off.
/wbench - Opens a workbench GUI.
/ec - Opens your Enderchest anywhere. 
/ext - Extinguishes yourself if set on fire.
/hat - Places item in hand on head as a hat.
/ignore {name} - Blocks chats messages from a player.
/unignore {name}  - Unblocks chats messages from a player.
/ignorelist - Displays a list of player you have ignored.
/realname {name} - Shows usernames of a player using /nick.
/back - Teleports you to your previous location.
/afk - Indicates in chat that you are away from your keyboard.
/bal - Displays your server currency balance.
/baltop - Shows top players with highest balances.
/pay {name} {amount} - Pays another player a set amount.
/sethome {name} - Set a home with a name (3 default)
/delhome {name} - Removes a set home.
/home {name} - Teleports you to a selected home.
/homes - Displays a list of homes.
/spawn - Teleports you to the servers spawn.
/ping - Pings the server to check for delay.
/depth - Displays current depth.
/getpos - Displays your current coordinates.
/kit - Displays a list of available kits.
/kit {name} -  Grants a specific kit to you.
/list - Displays a list of player on the server.
/seen {name} - Displays the last time a player was on.
/me {msg} - Describes an action in the context of a player.
/mail {name} {msg} - Sends a message to player.
/mail read - Checks sent mail to a player.
/msg {name} {msg} - Send a private message in chat.
/motd - Displays message of the day.
/suicide - Kills your Minecraft character in game.
/tpa {name} - Requests to teleport to another player.
/tpahere {name} - Requests a player to teleport to you.
/tpaccept - Accept incoming teleport requests
/tpacancel - Cancels outgoing teleport requests.
/tpdeny - Denies incoming teleport requests.
/tptoggle - Enable/Disable incoming teleport requests.
/rtp - Randomly teleports you around the map.
/warps - Displays a list of server warps.
/warp {name} - Teleport to a specific warp.
/worth - Shows the worth of vanilla items.
/sell hand - Sells vanilla items in hand via command.
/ontime - Shows player overall server playtime.
/trails - Opens cosmetics menu GUI.
/ll - Displays the last 3 Legendary Pixelmon.
/ivs {slot} - Shows a Pokemons base stats.
/evs {slot} - Displayer training stats of Pokemon.
/dexcheck - Displays completion of your Poke'Dex.
/eggsteps {slot} - Shows the amount of steps taken.
/hiddenpower {Pokemon} - Displays hidden move type.
/movelist {Pokemon} - Shows a listmove a Pokemon can learn.
/tms {Pokemon} - Displays available TMs for a Pokemon.
/tradesim {slot} - Simulates trading with another player.
/wiki {pokemon} {arg} - Shows information about Pokemon
/pgift (player) (slot) - Sends a Pokemon to a player.
/endbattle - Ends the battle you are in.
/wt {slot} {name} - Trades your Pokemon for a random one.
/mywarp help - Displays a list of available MyWarp commands.
/mywarp create {name} - Creates a personal warp.
/mywarp delete {name} - Deletes a personal warp.
/mywarp public - Allows others to travel to your warp.
/mywatp private - Prevents others from using your warp.
/mywarp list - Displays a list of player warps
/mywarp {name} - Teleports you to a players warp.a
/vote - Displays clickable voting links (also on Home page)
/ref {username} - Sends a referral request to inviting player.
/refaccept {username} - Grants a player a referral gifts.


Core Protect

This is a plugin that allows admin to track block placement and extraction. This allows admins to inspect an area to see who caused grief and rollback the are to an older save state which will restore the area to normal. However, we ask that you be wise and trust rarely.

Grief Prevention

The best way to stop grief is to prevent it. "AUTOMATICALLY PREVENTS ALL FORMS OF GRIEF, including build/break, theft, spam, fire, spawn camping, lava dumping, chat trolling, advertising and more" You will gain 60 claim blocks every hour you are active on the server.
Base Commands:
/claim - Creates a 9 x 9 protected plot.
/claimlist - Displays a list of your claims.
/abandonclaim - Abandons claim you are standing in.
/abandonallclaims - Abandon all your claims.
/trust {name} - Allows others to build in your claim.
/accesstrust - Allows others to
/containertrust - Allows others to
/trustlist - Displays a list of players you have trusted.
/untrust {name} - Removes a trusted player from your claim.
/untrust all - Removes all trusted player from your claim.
/buyclaim {amount} - Purchases claim blocks.
/sellclaim {amount}- Sell claim blocks.



lvl 15 Rock - Golem, Onix, Regirock
$1500, Stone Badge, Stone Plate, Sun Stone
lvl 20 Water - Starmie, Vaporeon, Sharpedo
$2000, Cascade Badge, Splash Plate, Water Stone
lvl 25 Grass - Venusaur, Vileplume, Kartana
$2500, Rainbow Badge, Meadow Plate, Leaf Stone
lvl 30 Fire - Charizard, Heatran, Moltres
$3000, Heat Badge, Flame Plate, Fire Stone
lvl 35 Ice - Glalie, Articuno, Regice
$3500, Icicle Badge, Icicle Plate, Ice Stone
lvl 40 Thunder - Ampharos, Rotom, Zapdos
$4000, Bolt Badge, Zap Plate, Thunder Stone
lvl 45 Flying - Bravairy, Sigilyph, Celesteela
$4500, Zephyr Badge, Sky Plate, Dawn Stone
lvl 50 Fighting - Machamp, Keldeo, Marshadow
$5000, Rumble Badge, Fist Plate, Shiny Stone

Elite 4

lvl 60 Dragon - Dangonite, Salamence, Flygon, Druddigon, Rayquaza
$6000, Draco Plate
lvl 70 Psychic - Reuniclus, Bronzong, Alakazam, Hoopa, Necrozma
$7000, Mind Plate
lvl 80 Fairy - Mimikyu, Tapu Lele, Tapu Koko, Tapu Fini, Tapu Bulu
$8000, Pixie Plate
lvl 90 Dark - Tyranitar, Drapion, Malamar, Yveltal, Guzzlord
$9000, Dread Plate


lvl 100 Mixed - Surprise Team
Priceless information


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